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Cambridge Digital Drug Discovery and Cheminformatics Network Meetings

Here you can find information about our upcoming meetings, which are free to attend and open to all. Our upcoming cheminformatics meeting is on September 24th, 2024, at 5:00 pm (ET) at the Broad Institute Imaging Platform, Cambridge, MA. This session will be held in person; we will share an online link to join.

For the meeting, please register here:

Presentation Topic:

The world of non-clinical safety, artificial intelligence, and foundation models


Arijit Patra, UCB (Union Chimique Belge) London

Session Schedule:

Dates for 2024-25 Club Meetings:

Next Meeting:

4 September 2024 (UK), 2024 , 24 September 2024 (MA, US), 2024

For personal attendance, please arrive a bit in advance at the Broad Institute and email for a guest entry pass. The online link will be shared with registered attendees two days before the event.

Stay Connected:

Would you like to stay informed about our events and other relevant information from the bioinformatics and cheminformatics areas? A newsletter (~1/month) of events, vacancies, and other relevant information from in and around the cheminformatics/computational drug discovery area is shared by our counterpart UK meetings. Please e-mail Andreas Bender (ab454 at if you like to stay informed. All newsletters are now archived and can be linked via DrugDiscovery.NET

Call for Speakers:

Speaker slots are available! If you would like to present at this or a future meeting, please get in touch with Srijit Seal at

We look forward to welcoming you to the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard for a stimulating presentation and discussion!

Many thanks to sponsors:

RSC Logo Clare Hall Logo Broad Institute Logo Broad Institute Logo

If you would like to sponsor cheminformatics meetings in Cambrdige, MA please do get in touch at

Context of the Work

The field of cheminformatics is significant in advancing drug discovery; its use of machine learning and artificial intelligence significantly streamlines the identification and optimization of new drug-like compounds. Currently, the landscape is marked by rapid technological advancements in AI yet fragmented research efforts and limited data sharing hinder progress between the US and the UK. The proposed initiative aims to bridge this gap by fostering collaboration between leading research entities in Cambridge, MA, (where the meeting is hosted) and the UK (where many of the speakers will be based). By leveraging the complementary strengths of these research communities, the project seeks to build a more integrated and innovative approach to cheminformatics research.

Our collaborative network hypothesis extends beyond the acceleration of novel drug development; it posits that such a network will serve to develop the field of cheminformatics itself. By developing an environment where data and ideas flow freely between the two countries, we anticipate a synergistic effect that will yield new models, algorithms, and approaches. These innovations will not only apply to drug discovery but also extend the boundaries and possibilities within the broader field of cheminformatics.


The intersection of cheminformatics and drug discovery represents a frontier of scientific innovation, where the application of computational techniques has the potential to revolutionize our approach to drug discovery. Despite its promise, the field is often characterized by siloed research efforts, with significant breakthroughs remaining isolated within either the academic or industrial spheres. This initiative is uniquely positioned to dismantle these barriers, creating a conduit for collaborations between the cutting-edge research environments of Cambridge, MA, and the UK. This initiative not only seeks to integrate these isolated efforts but also aims to harness the rapid pace of technological advancements, transforming them into actionable insights and methodologies that can be applied across the board.

We wish to bring together researchers from various organizations: from academia, industry, and startups based in the UK to discuss the ideal role of cheminformatics and machine learning in biological science. Besides gaining an understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of this field, postgraduate students and early career researchers will also gain an awareness of the field. Overall, we will:

For example, here are some example topics we aim to discuss:

Outcomes and Future Directions

The initiative's success will be measured by immediate outcomes such as joint publications and grant applications and by its long-term impact on the cheminformatics community. These efforts are anticipated to lead to:

Future directions may include expanding the collaborative network, developing educational programs, setting up a Cheminformatics Platform at the Broad Institute, and establishing biannual meetings to sustain the initiative's momentum.

We greatly appreciate the financial support from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in publicizing the conference, and we encourage participants to join the membership and scholarship in the RSC.More details here.

We also appreciate administrative support from Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. Candidates looking for prospective masters and PhD admission in the University of Cambridge can find more details here.

Past Events